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17 Names Given By Fathers That Prove Men Should Not Be Naming Their Children

"My middle name is 'Jailin' because my daddy was in jail. 🙄"

Recently, I came across this tweet:

Twitter: @heyjoydoe
Yes, Nosáj is Jason spelled backwards.

Then, I came across another video pleading that men shouldn't name children. In the video, TikTok creator @markdjangocrazy said, "It should be against the law for dads to name their daughters."

"It should should be against the law for dads to name their daughters"

Another user, @cinnayonroll, stitched the video with what they suggest is proof of this phenomenon. They said, “Everyday of my fucking life, I ask myself… why the fuck did this man name me Beyoncé.”

Beyoncé performing for the Renaissance World Tour in Poland

I was absolutely dying at all the comments also confirming this phenomenon, and had no choice but to share. Here are some of my favorites:

1. "Mailliw," which is William, backwards:

Comment: "My name is literally my dad's name backwards"

2. "Lawren," because, well, Lawrence:

Comment: "Girl my dad's name is Lawrence and my name is lawren"

3. "Curtice," because, Curtis:

Comment: "Curtis and I'm Curtice"

4. "Geraldine," courtesy of a Gerald:

Comment: "My dad's name is Gerald and I'm GERALDINE. Everyday I look at my ID I get motivated to make sure I save that money to change it"

5. "Kiiwii." A+ for creativity!

Comment: "My dad named me KIIWII. AND MY MOM LET HIM"

6. "Jailin," which is kinda like "Jaylen," but with a much better origin story:

Comment: "My middle name is Jailin bc my daddy was in jail. Moms are dead wrong too"

7. "Alopecia," which is honestly kinda pretty without the context:

A commenter saying that their fiancé wanted to name their child Alopecia. Like the thing that causes hair loss

8. "Mignon," for possibly his favorite meal, filet mignon:

Comment: "My dad wanted to band me Mignon... like filet mignon"

9. I just love the origin story on this one.

A commenter said that her dad named her Sierra after his 1996 GMC Sierra pickup truck! it could of been Mercedes so I guess it's not too bad

10. Oh to have the tiny little pea brain of a man for a day.

Comment: "My dad named me after Sierra Mist"

11. "Like cadabra???" 😭

Comment: "My dad was going to name me ABRA"

12. "Tometha" à la Tom:

A commenter saying that their dad's name is Tom and their name is Tometha

13. Wait, *ALL* OF THEM?

A commenter saying that their uncle named all his daughters John

14. He kinda ended gender with this one:

A commenter saying that their grandpa Felix also named their mom Felix

15. Great name, questionable origin:

Someone named Auburn saying they were named after a basketball team in a losing season

16. Settling on "Darylgena" is WILD to me:

A commenter saying that their dad's name is Daryl and he wanted to name them Daryl too, but instead their parents settled on Darylgena

17. And lastly, of course, there's gotta be a spelling error on the list:

Someone's dad spelled their name, Dominque, wrong by forgetting the second "I"

Let me know your fav in the comments! Or, if you have an interesting name thanks to your father, please do share.