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    19 Feel-Good Memes That Will Definitely Get You Through The Week

    Well, since laughter is the best medicine.

    1. A worthy contrarian.

    2. Life's important questions.

    Twitter: @RespectfulMemes

    3. Routine is a routine is a routine.

    4. Choices, choices!

    Twitter: @RespectfulMemes

    5. Brought to you by Professor Doggo!

    6. That's font-astic!

    Twitter: @RespectfulMemes

    7. There's a solulu for every Lulu.

    8. Slam dunk!

    Twitter: @RespectfulMemes

    9. You is kind. You is smart. You is adulting.

    10. This cutie clearly understood the assignment.

    Twitter: @RespectfulMemes

    11. Megamind grandma FTW!

    12. Where's the lie?

    Twitter: @RespectfulMemes

    13. What photobomber? This is perfect!

    14. Some things can even make Oppie smile.

    Twitter: @RespectfulMemes

    15. Twenty-something me, who has figured it out, still does this.

    16. Can't argue with that logic!

    Twitter: @RespectfulMemes

    17. So THAT'S how they do it!

    18. Good medical visit? Biggest W you can take.

    19. Wait!