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    These 19 Delicious Facts About Chocolate Will Make Your Mouth Water

    Life is like a box of chocolates...

    1. Cacao beans, where chocolate comes from, were once used as currency.

    2. The average person in Switzerland consumes 8.8kg of chocolate every single year.

    3. Soldiers deployed in World War II had chocolate bars in their rations.

    Twitter: @HMBohemond
    Hershey's came up with the D Ration bar, which was made of chocolate, sugar, cocoa butter, skimmed milk powder, and oat flour. It didn't melt easily, and weighed just over 100 grams.

    4. Imposter alert: White chocolate is not technically chocolate!

    5. There's actually a chocolate-themed amusement park that you can visit.

    6. Chocolate milk officially originated in Jamaica.

    7. Smelling chocolate can reduce anxiety.

    8. There's a fourth type of chocolate that was launched in 2017 — RUBY!

    9. The botanical name of the chocolate tree is Theobroma cacao, and "theobroma" means "food of the gods" in Latin.

    10. Chocolate is actually healthy! It's proven to have more antioxidants than green tea.

    11. World Chocolate Day is celebrated on July 7, every year.

    12. People only started "eating chocolate" after 1847.

    Twitter: @twitandrewking
    Before then, chocolate was mostly consumed as a beverage. J.S. Fry & Sons were the first to create the solid form we now see it in.

    13. It takes 400 cacao beans to make just one pound, or 450 grams of chocolate.

    14. 70 percent of the world's cacao beans come from just four West African countries — Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroon, and Nigeria.

    15. Around 90 million chocolate Easter eggs are sold across the United States of America, every year.

    16. The chocolate river in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory wasn't all chocolate, after all. Ew!

    Twitter: @WaterbridgeJoy
    It was actually made with chocolate powder, anti-shampoo powder, and water, and (obviously) got pretty stinky and disgusting.

    17. The most expensive chocolate in the world costs a whopping $2,600 (or ₹2,16,307)!

    Twitter: @JankenPiero
    The La Madeline au Truffe was first created by Fritz Knipschildt, and these chocolates are made only to order and have to be finished within seven days.

    18. What's a person who compulsively eats a lot of chocolate and constantly craves it called? A chocoholic.

    19. You can also have a fear or strong aversion to chocolate! It's called Xocolatophobia.